Della Perry Poems

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What Do You Dream?

What do you dream?
Are they nice, scary or funny?
What do you dream? Are they sitting, flying or runny?
Do you get chased,


Yow dow alf spake funnee
That's what they say to me
Those posh people at work
Weir yow from?

The Flightless Hummingbird

The corporation want him as a Case Study
Enjoy the dialysis of his emotions
Wean him from the breasts of destructive habits
Tired of his unenthusiastic rocking.

Tragic Love

Loneliness pushes to the edge
A yearning that I cannot hide
Sad death that grows from deep within
On this silent hillside.


City Square he sat, shoppers busied around him
Scarcely glancing his way
No second thoughts of how the poor fellow paid his way in life
He played the instrument wonderfully

Talk Less, Smile More

Talk less, smile more
Gossip and chat get you in deep
Disturb the sleep
But a smile says more

Light Finds A Way

What fears reside in darkness?
Shady chasms of phobias
Where air dissipates, hearts thump
Bottomless, depths of despair


Where, what, when, who, why?
The noiseless noise drifts by
My tilted ears open wide
A silence that deafens my wounded pride

The Jack Russell

He reclines at the rear of the grey sofa
Imprinting his shape into cushions that will never regain their shape
Exhausted from stressful howling at the view
of workmen smoking on driveways

The Prince Of Hearts

The future King
Born from the Goddess of empathy
Eldest prince of the isles
Will be father to one of upstanding bravery

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