Denise Rivera

Denise Rivera Poems

Dreams of struggling
in a winter ocean of tar
Treading the waves of black waters
where the horizon is hard to see

I know
that perhaps I should not meet you at the surface
Where you wait with your luminous warmth
to pull me up on your boat

The Best Poem Of Denise Rivera

The Mermaid

Dreams of struggling
in a winter ocean of tar
Treading the waves of black waters
where the horizon is hard to see
Where does the sky and ocean meet?

I see you rowing towards me
Something glowing in your hands

You bring a brilliant liquid
Brighter than the whitest light
yet flows like cascading honey
a sweet, dripping fire-water
to melt the icebergs of my heart

For you know
that even if I am surrounded by water
I cannot drink the salt that stings my wounds

A thirst you eagerly fill
With precious intoxication
a golden potion
sweet and filling
Yet with consequences to the heart and soul

As I dream
You watch me sleep
Your loving eyes adore me
even though
you know
I shall never wake

Feeling your words undress me
As I stir in my sleep

Feeling your songs caress me
Your lyrics makes me weep

Although you quench my thirst for a moment
My icy cold winter waters pull me down
and I let them
For I do not struggle

Because my hopes lie deep beneath
buried treasures
in a sunken ship
Which I cannot abandon

For this is the ocean where I belong

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