Divinely Quiet

Divinely Quiet Poems

The fallen angel has risen.
She creates the chaos of the world.
With every step she takes someone dies.
She wishes for peace.

Tears are shed
They were just newly wed
But they were not meant to be
They didn't see what I see


My heart was ripped into shreds
I'm surprised no one bleed
Eyes swelled up with tears
It felt more than mere years


I hide my face in darkness.
To hide what I have done.
People are here to take me.
To the light again.

The darkness is at nigh.
I don't know why the little girl cry's.
It's sad to hear the screams.
That are all around the stream.

I wasn't human.
I was thirsty.
Nothing real food can cure.
I could see the blood.

Divinely Quiet Biography

The reason I write poetry is to express myself in away that I can't describe. It feels like I'm alive and not buried in darkness and sorrow anymore.)

The Best Poem Of Divinely Quiet

Fallen Angel

The fallen angel has risen.
She creates the chaos of the world.
With every step she takes someone dies.
She wishes for peace.
But none can be given.
Unless you undo what is done.

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