Dizzy Darling Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Scenes From A Tudor Style Room For The Baroque

Evelyn: C'mere Hugo you are into adventure(takes out a tuft brush, blush, eye shadow and base) Here lets be Tudor together. come lets be baroque even better, we don't need greed

Hugo: My dear but we are baroque or haven't you forgotten? by the way why decorate me?


Being a boy of the hand and foot
of honorable highs, of desolation lows

walking one morning, or crawling one morning


A winds veil is tangled
at the top of those trees,
and the ashen clouds roll in then.

Advice From James Cagney

Sitting on the curb, elbows to my knees

Jimmy says to me
' Relax kid, dames come and go, so what? nothing keeps you warm at night better than a bottle of scotch, and it dont talk back none either


Upon our first meeting I began to rhyme.
You sucked the saliva from my tongue, then hid away
when I came up on you clumsily stumbling
you grabbed my pupils and hindered me,

The Clothes Found In Old Trunks

you start wearing my clothes, but the belt is too tight!
you throw some away, you are constantly increasing in waist size.
two guys in two weeks? Birdies been quite busy.
you slide your toes into my shoes and start walking where I have.

La Mer

Body: the sands crash on the waves in a contemptuous peppering gaze
the coast bowing to the sky’s expanse
the cafe windows look out into reflective eyes
the apertures tear through the deep well of the pupil

Tarentella Amore

I see your fingers working their way up and down the fret board,
patiently delicate.
I hear your feet sweeping side to side on the parquet
rhythmically graceful.

It Will Fly Poor Boy

Branches human whilst tender fires smoke,
pools as galleries of eyelids meander
Eyes of

Night On The Brain

the seashore shone through the looking glass spires,
all its parasols blew cartwheels in vaulting flight
The ship lay in the harbor yard
moaning under the bursting imperils,

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