Dora Sigerson Shorter Poems

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A Fantasy

I saw Winter 'neath a spindle tree,
She plucked berries bright to crown her head.
She was singing little robin's song

A Ballad Of Marjorie

'What ails you that you look so pale,
O fisher of the sea?'
''Tis for a mournful tale I own,
Fair maiden Marjorie.'

The Gypsie’s Road

I shall go on the gypsies' road,
The road that has no ending;
For the sedge is brown on the lone lake side,

The Human Touch

She made roses all the day for pretty ladies' wear,
All through the patient hours, half into the night.

The Watcher In The Wood

Deep in the wood's recesses cool
I see the fairy dancers glide,
In cloth of gold, in gown of green,
My lord and lady side by side.

A Ballad Of The Wailing Ghost

As I between the dusk and dark
Walked down by Hampton Towers,
I strayed upon the haunted path
In the forbidden hours.

The Little Brother

O brother, brother, come down to the crags by the bay,
Come down to the caves where I play;
For oh! I saw on the rocks, asleep,

The Sinking Ship

The ship is sinking, come ye one and all.
Stand fast and so this weakness overhaul,
Come ye strong hands and cheery voices call,

The Golden Apple

She saw on the far bank a golden apple,
A glowing apple, poor little Eve,
Between ran the river so darkly dapple,

The Flight Of The Wild Geese

Wrapt in the darkness of the night,
Gathering in silence on the shore,
Wild geese flown from hiding on the hills

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