Dorothy B. Thompson

Dorothy B. Thompson Poems

All children are born atheist
So they've got to be taught
The church will gladly give a list
Of ways to murder thought.

Crock of ages, not for me
I'm too smart to swallow thee
You're just bunk, you can't atone.
Christian nuts, leave me alone.

Just the smell of soap still makes her sick.
He'd confuse her with his smooth rhetoric.
And he pretended he'd bathe her tonight.
But, when he came near all she felt was fright.

Now, here's the scene, created universe.
God made it, and so he's the one in charge.
He's mean, vengeful, blood thirsty and perverse.
Demands submission, ego extra large.

The Best Poem Of Dorothy B. Thompson

Children Are Born Atheist

All children are born atheist
So they've got to be taught
The church will gladly give a list
Of ways to murder thought.
The most important thing to know
That he's a little sinner.
So many dogmas to bestow
To instruct the beginner
Tell each that god will answer prayer,
And miracles are real.
And devils wait to trip and snare
so fight them off with zeal.
Believe this stuff and don't ask why
Never, never reason!
Your priest or preacher is the guy
In charge of all adhesion.
He promises to train each child
So he will never stray,
Must get them early so they're styled
To trust, give, and obey.

Dorothy B. Thompson Comments

Nathan Thompson 18 August 2012

This comment is submitted by Ms. Thompson's grown son. Dorothy was negatively influenced in life by her friend Mila Tiefenbach, another atheist. Mila ruined my mother. Her constant ranting against the church took its toll on Dorothy. I'm sorry she ended up so bitter in life. She could have hung onto her faith, as I have, and she would have seen the blessings that come by following the Ten Commandments all through life. My father was not a perfect man by any stretch. I never saw any sign of abuse of his daughter, my sister, growing up, although I do not dispute what my sister says about him. I never saw my father being abusive to my mother, although I did see the reverse. My mother even told me she hated me once. I have forgiven her for that. In the end, she hated everyone, including the Christ who came to save her. I had to dissociate myself from Dorothy in the early '90's for the sake of protecting my young family from her. She and Mila were constantly sending hate letters to my wife and I, ranting on about how terrible the church is. I had to sever ties with her. After 1992, I never spoke to her again. I hear she died from talking to my sister Robin. She had promised Robin to leave her the house in Bandon after her death, but she reneged on this commitment, and gave the house to some pet rescue group instead, against her own daughter! Robin did not sever ties to Dorothy, and Robin had to endure her rantings and hate speech for years. I am happy that I protected my family from all of that, although I am sad that I had to break a commandment in order to do it: the one that says Honor your father and mother. In my heart, I honor her memory, although I reject everything she ever wrote or said against Christ and the church. I was at my father's side when he died in 1996, and I helped pay for his burial and funeral. My father never rejected Christ, as Dorothy did, but he did fall into the trap of embracing Eastern religions before he did. My father reminds me of the story of King Solomon. Solomon started off strong, a great man of God. But later in life he was corrupted by too many wives and compromise with idol worshipping neighboring religions. My father lost his witness for Christ. To counteract the negative impact of Dorothy's writings and my father's embrace of eastern religious thought, I must make a strong and bold stand in favor of Christ and Christianity. The church isn't perfect, because it is filled with imperfect people. But Christ is perfect. And soon he will return to human history to set things right again. I look forward to his imminent return, and to seeing my father again, in heaven. I hope my mother is there, but after she renounced her faith, I cannot presume that she will have a place in heaven with the same Christ she openly rejected. Rest in Peace, mom, I wish you could. But somehow I think you are going to spend eternity wishing you had not said the things you said against the Christ who came to save you.

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