Dr John Celes Poems

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The World's Goes Rot!

I loved the world although it nev'r deserved;
I loved the people more than how I should;
But what I got was mere ingratitude;
The world goes on in this way rather fast.

Rose-Bush With Thorns Or Roses 'Midst Thorns!

What use is a rose-bush without thorns,
For God gave thorns by changing leaves,
And protecting flowers beauteous
From predators, and plucking hands!

Song To Mother Mary

I'm sick of living here on earth,
O Mary, heal my soul;
O Virgin Mother, who gave birth
To Jesus, mend my role!

St. Maria Teresa Goretti

You can become a saint as well,
If you can live for Christ;
Declared, you can be saint on earth,
If you can die, for Him.

Brevity: Life's Seasons

The springs of life bring glorious days each year,
With verdure leaves and flowers of fine hues;
Though scorching, summers bring the harvests dear,
And helps the farmers pay back loans and dues!

Allegorose: Children - Life's Most Precious Gift

Most precious, we can bet,
Of all the gifts in life we get,
That money can't buy,
Are children doubtlessly -our wealth, and yet

Our Beloved Teachers

Salute the teachers who had made
Us see the world and learn what's life;
Salute the persons who had laid
The foundations of ken through strife.


Good friends like pearls are hard to find;
Good friends are bodies of same mind;
Good friends share joys and woes alike;
Good friends will gossip just dislike.

Christmas Spirit Enlivened

The Christmas spirit catches all
The Christian people globally,
As winter's freezing chill is on,
And birth of Jesus happens fast.

Sonnet: My Life On Earth

From trudge, my trek had changed into a run;
The mountain was a mound in size with time;
My hurdles melted off like snow in sun;
All strife mellowed and life became sublime.

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