Dr John Celes Poems

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What’s Holy Matrimony (Marriage) ?

A carriage divine,
With earthly wheels unequal,
Plying on mundane terrain of all kinds,
With varying speeds,

I’m So Happy To Note…

That someone so well known to me,
Who worked quite hard in life for long,
Has found mind’s peace and harmony,
And sings aloud a blissful song!

Pope John Paul Ii (A Biography Poem Sequence-1)

The Pope’s Childhood Days:

His home was near to Peter’s square;
The Church had cast its spiritual air

How To Pray?

Pray incessantly;
Pray most fervently;
Pray with all your heart;
God will do His part!

Why Fight Terrorism?

No nation can try to be both
A haven to terrorists and
A heaven to its citizens!

A Special Deepavali

Light up the faces of the poor
With smiles and laughter, cheer and joy!
Enquire health of those that are ill;
Comfort them with consoling words!

Song In Honor Of Bvm On Her Birthday (Sept.8th)

Baby Mary born today,
Of Joachim and of Anne;
Chosen by God long ago
To Mother Jesus Christ Lord.

Aims Of Earthly Life

There are tears to shed but much more to wipe;
There are joys to live for but more to give;
There are days to remember and some to forget;
There are places to visit but some to avoid;

Poet Valentine’s Day,2009

God made a day for all to express love;
The young and old, friends, lovers use this day;
Renewing promises to each other,
They have a lovely time that day this way!

My Yoke

Bound by my faults;
Yoked to my past;
Tied to my problems;
Chained by my sins;

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