Dr John Celes Poems

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Sonnet-A Lot Can Still Be Done

Nothing is impossible to be done;
Nothing is tough that man can never do;
Take heart,0 Man and dazzle like the Sun;
No sorrow's much for hearts that endure too.

Sonnet: The Younger Ones Must Be Better

It is pure joy to see one's children win,
More laurels than we did in our life-time;
It is so sad to see the world of sin,
The modern age, blind to the word sublime.

Sonnet- Mind Is Prime

Let Mind not wander in a dreamy way,
And lose control over its sense-organs;
Sound mind will always have the final say;
The lazy one can make a man a dunce.

Sonnet: Man Must Do The Will Of God

When clouds give rain and Sun gives warmth and light,
When trees give shade and flowers, fruits, perfume,
When God gives sleep and food gives muscle-might,
Why can't men sweat at work; not fret and fume?

Sonnet: If Jesus Be Near, Why Should I Fear?

If Jesus leads me on the desert-sands,
I’m miles on foot without food or water;
If Jesus takes me into alien lands,
Why should I fear? ’Tis an easy matter.

Sonnet: My Poetry’s New Mission

My Poetry has reached a happy state!
A missionary zeal, it has infused;
Perhaps, it could change many others’ fate
For good, whose minds and hearts remain confused.

Sonnet: Be Grateful To God

O Let my heart be loyal to Thee Lord,
My Creator and Maker of this world!
My Omnipotent, Omniscient God,
The mystery of mysteries unheard!

Sonnet: ‘homo Sapiens’ ‘in Utero’

Behold the beauty of the embryo!
The fusion of the gametes in the womb;
From single cell, the progeny will grow,
To breathe earth’s air, before ’tis down in tomb.

Sonnet: Lent Is For Sacrifices

This Lent is drawing to a conclusion;
My life has waxed and waned much like before;
But I'm in life in lesser confusion;
I know God better; devils to the core.

Sonnets -'Tis A Materialistic World

The world I see is dishonest, unfair;
It is the same with vassals and master;
There is no bond of respect, love or care;
One cheats the other, heartlessly, faster.

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