Dr John Celes Poems

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Sonnet: Use Your Common-Sense

The more in luxury, a life men lead,
The higher if they try to fly bird-like,
To wise sayings if they never pay heed,
The price to pay on earth, Nature does hike.

Valentine’s Day Poem: ‘this Is The Day When…’

This is the day when people most
Have fun and frolic with some ‘dost’;
This is the day when love from heart
Is showered on beloved with art!

Sonnet: A Prayer For Myself

Let me be poor like Thee Jesus, my Lord;
Let me be wise and keep on earth, my soul;
Let me live life, not on my own accord;
Let me then work for my Heavenly goal.

Sonnet: God Knows Us Well

The servant knows his master’s strengths and faults,
His expectations, needs, commands and love;
His driver knows wherever master halts,
His anger, weaknesses and patience, oh!

Sonnet- Don’t Blame The Doctor, Please!

When life departs from someone very young,
When doctor can’t prevent its departure,
When complications have already sprung,
In empathy, he enters by nature.

Sonnet: Man Achieves Better With God’s Help

The road to fame is predestined by God;
God gives the freedom to make it or not;
Happy’s the man who with His help has trod;
By leaps and bounds, He changes his sad lot.

Sonnet: My Allegiance To God

Thou saved my life so many times till now;
Each time, it was a miracle indeed;
It proved to me Thy magnificent love;
Could I return Thy love with more good deed?

Sonnet: God Is Within

I search’d for God ’midst flowers, leaves, things green!
In every living thing that I could see;
I looked for Him in everything with sheen;
I saw His art but God I couldn’t truly.

Sonnet: Is Man Worse Than Beasts

With poise and elegance, the cat sits long,
Eyeing the hole from which the rat comes out;
Though hours have passed and clock has said, ‘ding-dong, ’
The cat stays on unstirred, with tired snout.

Sonnet: My Poetry These Days

Till now, I found no soul who said to me,
“Come read your poems and let me opine.”
But still, I’m happy writing poetry!
In any case, it tends to be divine.

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