Dr John Celes Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Sonnet: The Worldly World

He rocks and raps the world with eerie songs,
And acrobatically dances long,
And sways the audience huge despite his wrongs,
And heads to stardom with a mighty gong!

Sonnet: Dad’s 105th Birth Anniversary

What love you gave us children while alive!
The care you rendered was incomparable;
Our family was busy akin bee-hive;
Your example good was indelible!

Conscience –

The ‘Inner Voice’ in-built by God,
In every human being born,
That tells what’s wrong and what is right,
And helps in moral decisions!

Sonnet: Love And Romance

Some simply feel so horrible in life,
When romantic love finally didn’t click!
Some feel so happy that despite all strife,
Love’s labor made became a golden brick!

Dear Parents, Don’t Abort…

If you had killed your sweet daughters and sons,
While in your womb, whom God allowed to live,
How could you be happy, just imagine?
–The sin and guilt could unleash hell on earth!

60th Republic Day Celebrations In India (Jan 26th 2010)

Unfurl the tricolor flag, Indians!
And hoist it high upon the mast;
And let it move in freedom’s wind;
And make the country, Indians, proud!

Sonnet: My Life’s Journey

Though road unclear, life’s journey continues
In ways intended, providentially;
I march unconcerned of the worldly views
That engulfs mankind universally!

Sonnet: Trust Not The Rich

The world is large but people’s minds are small!
They do not trust the God who loves man much;
They blunder often, repeatedly fall;
They want their hands to have the ‘golden touch’!


God shakes
The earth with quakes –
A way, some men, He wakes,
To know the genuine from fakes,

Help Haitians Now!

In just a few minutes of time,
The whole landscape was gone,
Undone by Mother Nature’s fury – Quake!

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