Dr John Celes Poems

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Sonnet: We Shan’t Be Selfish

Not single friend but many foes have I,
In life, though vast be world in which I live;
All seem to lead this live so selfishly,
And not a moment for others, they give.

Sonnet: Heaven On Earth!

To hold my little child’s much tender hands;
To watch it’s innocently, sleeping face;
To walk along the sea-shore’s silver-sands;
To kiss my spouse and hug in tight embrace!

Sonnet: God Improves Things

At last, the day has come for the accursed,
When shift they must, their trade to newer site;
This place is free from all its troubles nursed,
And swiftly God improves the people’s plight.

Sonnet: Life Has A Purpose

Our minds are filled with perpetual conflict,
As to how well to spend our lives on earth;
And yet, our worldly ways should not inflict
The punishment of Hell after our death.

Sonnet: God’s Divine Plan

Am I like Moses for the people here?
Perhaps, God wants me for their deliverance
From slavery and cheating and great fear;
Perhaps, I’m one with the right temperance.

Sonnet: Unexpected Things Tell A Lot

A ride that’s free can surely gladden hearts;
A lift that’s early brings in life, great joy;
Recognition by world improves our arts;
Basket of apples free all will enjoy!

Sonnet: The World Is Bad But Goodness Triumphs

Like birds of same feather flying together,
Like-minded men behave just like brothers,
In opportune moments, clement weather,
To favor some and bringing down others.

Sonnet: The Tempest Is Gone!

God speaks to me a language very strange,
And beckons me to tend to my soul’s needs;
He talks on subjects, variety in range;
My inner hunger, certainly He feeds!

Sonnet: Great Things Can Still Be Done

If man decides, even deserts can green!
Perseverance through hard-work is the key;
As afforestation can change the scene,
And earthlings all can feed and live in glee!

Sonnet: Let Me Keep My Path Aright

Why things appear to happen in these ways?
God only knows for ’tis a mystery!
With anguished heart, I yearn for better days;
But men refuse to learn from past history!

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