Dr John Celes Poems

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Earth Day,2008

Save planet earth;
Save earth from man;
Save all species,
Including man!

Heaven And Hell Are Real

Our faith in God must come right from our hearts;
No one can see the God of creation;
We know of God certainly through Nature;
The Bible speaks enough of God’s kingdom.

Children On The Beach

Most children love to build
Sand-castles on the beach;
And pretty seriously,
They work for such long hours!

Whenever I Pray The Holy Rosary:

Whenev’r I pray the Holy Rosary:
My woes all vanish into air;
My foes disappear and don’t dare.

Stages Of Man

The new-born babe helplessly lies
In mother’s lap, most of the time;
For nursing, care and love, it cries –
Before slumber, ‘lullaby’ rhyme.

Sonnet: Good Shepherd’s Love

One sheep amongst the hundred, if gets lost,
The Good Shepherd begins to search for it,
Returning when ’tis found at any cost –
Lamb gets His shoulders upon which to sit!

Soul’s Pleas To God

O God of love, O lovely God!
O God of pow’r- Omnipotent;
O God of might, Almighty God;
And God of infinite mercy!

Sonnet: God’s Supreme Love For Man

All creatures live by Maker’s love and grace;
Their earthly span is determined by God;
Not a moment more can they add / erase;
Yet, human beings forget God – How odd?

The Only True Friend Of All

Is there a friend on earth dependable?
Is there someone on whom you could well count?
Is there a soul with whom you share your woes?
Is there a creature upon earth like you?

The Holy Rosary

O let me say a ‘Hail Mary’,
And add a white rose to the crown,
Atop the head of Heav’n’s Queen –
Mary, Mother of Jesus Christ.

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