Dr John Celes Poems

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‘to The Slaughter-House’- A Cattle-Song!

To the slaughter-house! To the slaughter-house!
Here we cows all go;
We gave men milk and butter, ghee;
They want our beef now;

Sonnet (Iambic Tetrameter) : How To Go To Heaven

The soul we bring when we are born,
Given by God to every man,
Is full of grace and not sin-torn,
And must be so, for one’s life-span!

Sonnet-My Food-Allergy

And now and then, I taste the foods I shouldn't;
So stupidly in utter disregard;
The things I loved to eat, some now I couldn't;
My allergy too has made me a Bard.

On Mother’s Day!

One word of yours and I’m assured;
One nod of head and things would move;
One stare of yours: I’m back to senses;
One yell and would I dare speak the same?

Sonnet: Offerings To God

Flowers and foods specially, they offer
In silver utensils- makes one wonder!
A ritual thus, does God expect at all?
When He needs nothing earthly for His hall.

Sonnet: On Destiny

No man need fear his Destiny's bad course,
When challenges, he meets resolutely;
Defying it and hitting hard with force;
with prudent action, that is done timely.

‘happy Birthday’, Mother Mary!

8th September – your birthday,
O Queen of heaven, all say;
The grace that filled your heart, aye,
Gave us and world, a mighty day.

Teamwork’s Best

Let’s learn from birds what team-work is about!
Let birds teach us the advantages brought;
Let’s forge ahead in ‘We’s’ and not in ‘I’s’!
Let’s fly like birds together in life’s skies!

The Fight Against Corruption

The country cannot bear it anymore;
The vice has gained in-roads to every sphere;
Corruption rules the roost in daily life;
The weed has grown much better than good plants!

Man Destroys, Nature Salvages

How Nature creates life thats dear with ease?
How Nature sifts, selects, protects the best?
Yet, man creates, sometimes with new disease;
In ways, unheard of, costly, but with zest.

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