Dr John Celes Poems

Hit Title Date Added

before the Fall
as schools reopen
books make children fall


even beach crabs
go with the tide
but not men

Truth Of Most Youth Today!

Today’s youth takes a warring path;
They don’t believe even the truth;
They love to do things opposite;
They want to learn all by themselves.

What Is Christianity (Catholicism) ?

To live a Catholic life
In an alien land!
To be witness for Christ,
And join the martyrs’ band.

In Lent …

Read the word of God and act;
Bear your cross and follow Christ;
Reflect upon your sins of past;
Renew your fellowship with Christ.

Have Mercy On Thy Children, Man!

’Tis only man who kills his own
offsprings while in their mother’s womb;
And turns his human heart to stone,
and sanctity of womb to tomb!

Our Awe-Some God!

Athirst with love for Thee, I walk;
Afilled by awe for Thee, I talk;
Among the sinners big, I stand;
Along my paths, I see Your Hand!

What Does The Bible Tell?

The Bible speaks about the love of God
That’s infinite and unfathomable;
The Bible talks of love of man for God,
Their obeisance and faith amidst great strife.

The Babe In The Womb

This is my home;
This is my own;
I am alone;
No one’s welcome!

To Gain Heaven Just…

Love Lord Thy God with all your heart;
Love your neighbor as yourself;
Keep God’s Ten Commandments all,
And heaven is assuredly yours!

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