Dr John Celes Poems

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What Is Lent?

Lent’s a special soul-time, God-lent!
Fervent prayers should rent the air to heaven;
Meant is Lent to mend and make amends in spiritual life;
Repent, empty your sins pent up;

Faith And Professions

One cannot serve God without strong a faith;
You cannot serve two masters, man and God;
Your Faith is paramount in earthly life;
One’s faith should determine one’s actions too.

Luke Chapter 10 (Verses 1-16)

Like lambs amongst the wolves,
The Lord Christ Jesus sent
Seventy-two others
To go in pairs to towns

Lent Is:

A battle-time for folks;
Each soul seems like war-zone;
So, circumcise your hearts;
Renounce your sinful crafts.

Spate In Persecution Of Indian Christians?

Conversions come from God, the Almighty!
The ways of God are strange, unfathomable;
Christ Jesus forecast persecutions when
One follows Him on road to Calvary.

Life Is Like This…

Most people run in life as if
They are one from a Zebra horde,
That does most things so much alike –
And turn to watch their comrade caught

Have A Heart For Children, Poor!

In poverty born, bred, they live
In misery and future bleak,
All famished, ravished and ill-clad –
Most children of the modern world!

God, Come To My Aid!

I am tired;
I am weak;
Fighting devils
Throughout lifetime.

Plight Of World’s Children Today

Like buds nipped before turning into flowers;
Like flowers plucked before fully blossoming,
Crushed without being allowed to form seed –
This is the state of world’s children today!

Mother Teresa’s Missionaries Of Charity

Is India Still Secular?

A nun was gang-raped in public;
A priest was beaten black and blue!

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