Dr John Celes Poems

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Sonnet: My Poetry These Days

Till now, I found no soul who said to me,
“Come read your poems and let me opine.”
But still, I’m happy writing poetry!
In any case, it tends to be divine.

Sonnet: Laws Are For All

No one on earth can be above the law;
But laws are not the same for man world-o’er;
When lawmakers break laws, it causes awe;
Yet, criminals must get jud’cial cover.

Sonnet: God, Make The World Better

Build me a mantle of protection, Lord,
With fervent prayers that I Thee offer;
From evil men, safety I can’t afford;
Security of life, Thou must proffer.

Sonnet: God Is Kinder To Man

A wild tree grows amongst the broken stones
And rocky land: I wonder how at all?
Its greenish fruits make nests for ants and drones;
With natural glue, they weave it like a wall.

Sonnet: God Allows Changes

Whatever things had happened on this day,
Could they herald a newer dawn of change?
For good of every man in every way!
Or they predict onset of evils strange?

Sonnet: Despair Strikes Again, Again

Despair threatens man again and again;
Most men keep working along corrupt lines;
The body scorched by sun then longs for rain!
The flooded lands wonder when the sun shines?

Sonnet: Trust In Jesus

Life has been kind to us despite our woes;
God has provided timely, when in need;
He has protected us from all our woes;
Life gave some sorrows but more joys indeed.

Sonnet: Rescue The Righteous Of Hearts, O God!

Alone, ’lone in a sea vast of turmoil,
Where dishonesty has gained upper hand,
For what purpose, the righteous sweat and toil?
Mean-minded men just tend to rule the land.

Sonnet: What The Stars Foretell?

Look at the stars, a handiwork of God!
Who knows the mystery of their twinkling light?
Like eyes of God, they shimmer light so odd,
In countless numbers, studding sky of night.

Sonnet: You Are With Us

You are with us in our hearts and our minds;
You will live thus, no matter what happens;
Hope is not lost for God’s mill surely grinds;
Truth will triumph as new doors God opens.

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