Dr John Celes Poems

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Little Poverello, may you show the new Pope Francis,
How to live as you did, and to love and serve God too,
You gave up your riches and wore only rags as dresses,
Help humble Pope Francis, help him serve the Lord like you.

Sonnet: The Reality Called Man!

A speck of dust exalted by God's hands
To human form with soul unlike others -
In tribulations of all kinds, man, lands;
His sinfulness, heart, mind, body bothers!

Sonnet: I Love My Foes

I love my foes for what they've been and are!
They helped me keep my principles on earth;
They made me braver, turn into a star,
And realize the purpose of my birth!

The Pope Has Resigned!

A shepherd feels unwell and rests ahead
Of being called for rest eternally!
His decision is wise and not misled;
His illness is to blame for this solely!

A Nurse Probationer's Life

With half a mind and heart, I joined the course!
My family couldn't afford a better one;
But it was out of love and not just force;
All live under the same stars, moon and sun.

The Modern Trend Of Things!

The modern world of children, men, women -
Enslaved by greed for wealth and luxury,
Engaged in a rat-race for authority,
Aims to subjugate neighbor and brethren!

When Old…

When old
and you can hardly eat,
or take care of yourself,
or remain neat;

In Support Of A Doctor’s Case…

Ethics is back in every profession,
For good of everyone on earth;
Sky-high has gone in life, corruption!
Now honest people are a real dearth.

Medicine In Poetry: The Adept Human Brain

God gave all creatures matching brain,
To control movements and be sane;
From misdemeanor, to refrain,
And use it rightly, not in vain!

Lament Of Unborn In The Womb!

I am a person healthy and wholesome;
God forms me in my mother’s womb with love;
He breathes life, calling me by my sweet name;
Life’s Author wants me born into His world.

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