Dr John Celes Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Unwelcome Snow-Man

The icy polar playground
Has the penguins parading and peeping
Around a peculiar person like a snow-man
With a red-hat and a reddish nose

Christmas And World Peace

We know that baby Jesus brings us peace
When Christmas day each year is born;
But peace on earth comes not with ease,
Unlike the sun that comes each morn!

Christmas Lights

To keep the Christmas tree alit,
Each bulb must burn and all give light;
If one fails then, the rest can't burn;
Some jobs are done in unison;

Over-Eating For Insatiable Hunger

When you Insult your intestines by ingesting
Iced-milk, cookies that inflate instantly,
You're inviting Intolerable colic, insomnia,
And Adding insult to injury by inebriation.

An Island With An Iceberg Nigh

Imagine an island isolated,
With an incredible iceberg idling nigh
The inhabitants will have food and drink for long,
And live a happy, peaceful life.

Love's Taste

Love is hasty, hot, not-so happy
In the beginning but
Turns out to be charming, cheery, challenging
As time elapses;

Christmas 2016

A baby boy is born in Bethlehem;
The Virgin Mary gives birth to her son;
This fruit of womb is by Holy Spirit;
His name is Immanuel - the ‘God with us'!


New Year Resolutions
-hyped or somber,
Unattainable, impracticable,
Are like writings on water,

Sonnet: The Contrite Souls Get Saved

The Creator of man, Almighty God
Has wisdom, human beings fathom can't;
To hide his weakness -sins from Him seems odd;
The fool alone in ignorance can rant!

A Special X'mas Message To All (From Kfmsr, Cbe)

A baby boy is born who brings us bliss!
The love of Lord is lovely, lasting, lush;
His grace is grand and guards and guides and grows;
So, walk His ways; Be wise; His Will will work!

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