Dr John Celes Poems

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Sonnet: ‘homo Sapiens’ ‘in Utero’

Behold the beauty of the embryo!
The fusion of the gametes in the womb;
From single cell, the progeny will grow,
To breathe earth’s air, before ’tis down in tomb.

Sonnet: Lent Is For Sacrifices

This Lent is drawing to a conclusion;
My life has waxed and waned much like before;
But I'm in life in lesser confusion;
I know God better; devils to the core.

Sonnets -'Tis A Materialistic World

The world I see is dishonest, unfair;
It is the same with vassals and master;
There is no bond of respect, love or care;
One cheats the other, heartlessly, faster.

Sonnet: Each One Is Strong However Weak

The Lion thinks ‘tis meant for tougher tasks;
And spares the Lioness and cubs hard works;
The Lioness is tough too though it masks;
Appearing gentle while it lurks.

Sonnet: Change Now For Your Soul’s Good!

Oh how time flies and how most things can change!
The ones we thought were small, appear grown up!
Everything is so different and in range;
Gone are the days together, we did sup.

Sonnet- About Sin

Sin is one thing God abhors forever;
Sin is one thing that Man alone can do;
Sin is one thing which shouldn't stain soul, brother;
Sin is the devil's bond with man to woo.

Sonnet: To God, All Men Are Alike

Which human life is superior in cost?
Which human blood is royal all along?
Which human breed has been always foremost?
Which human voice has sung world's most hit-song?

Sonnet- Why Should God Love Me More?

Why should God love me more than a beggar?
Why should He prefer me to someone next?
Why does He give me errands much bigger?
His ways are strange and keeps me always vexed.

Sonnet-Let Me Walk In Heaven's Road

Let sorrows and temptations come galore;
I'll be a victor in the end, I know;
Give me the grace to bear them God, some more;
Thou art the ev’r-green tree; And I, a bough!

Sonnet: On Early Decision-Making

In Life, decide one must some day, some way;
Indecisions don't help you forward march;
And better late than never too, some may;
Procrastination is man’s rival arch.

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