Dr John Celes Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Sonnet-Let Me Walk In Heaven's Road

Let sorrows and temptations come galore;
I'll be a victor in the end, I know;
Give me the grace to bear them God, some more;
Thou art the ev’r-green tree; And I, a bough!

Sonnet: On Early Decision-Making

In Life, decide one must some day, some way;
Indecisions don't help you forward march;
And better late than never too, some may;
Procrastination is man’s rival arch.

Sonnet: Man’s Work Should Be Blessed By God

Most things we do remain ineffective;
Our human minds are not infallible;
But if it turns to be God’s directive,
Our planning seems to be infallible.

Sonnet-All Things Happen Through God

Yeah, Man can't solve all problems in his life,
And only when he can't, he thinks of God;
No man on earth needs God if not for strife;
Man thinks he can do things all, tho’ he's clod.

Sonnet: God Saves The Righteous Souls

A Righteous man turned one day somewhat bad!
‘His troubles came ’cause he was good, ’ he thought;
More money came, he was now not so sad;
Immersed in worldly things, he God forgot.

Sonnet: Nukes Are Satanic Evils

The nuclear arms produce great loss of life,
Destroying structures miles across, tho’ strong!
And leave behind human misery and strife,
That make generations sing woeful song.

Sonnet: Each One's Life Is Different

We need not do all things that others do;
We need not buy all things that others buy;
Let us remain amongst the Righteous few;
And keep God's tenets, till the day we die.

Sonnet: Watch Your Habits

God is with you, wherever you may go;
He is the Light that lights the darkest night;
He protects us against devils and foe;
He gives us strength of will, divine fore-sight.

My Wife Beloved

My wife belov’d, you are my wealth;
You are in life, my soul’s sole health!
Companion for life, my wife,
By sacred union for life.

Sonnet: On Widows

My heart feels truly sorry for widows,
Who're young and lose their husbands suddenly;
What quirk of fate has given them such woes?
-Of solitude, sexlessness forcefully.

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