Dr John Celes Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Sonnet: How Labor’s Lost!

A whiff of air can blow the castle down,
Of cards that takes so many hours to make;
A stamp by foot can make the children frown,
That pulls apart their sand-castle near lake.

Sonnet: Save Human Lives

You kill a lamb and yet ’tis not a sin;
You play with dolls but don’t worship them still;
’Tis murder when you kill men, kith and kin;
Man lives a life predestined by God’s will.

Sonnet: Whither Art Thou Heading, Man?

With scientific advances, man has gone
Uncivilized, immoral, atheist;
Believing in his own works, blows his horn;
With heart and soul afilled with sinful mist.

Sonnet: My Poetry

When foul an air, I’d breathed since my childhood,
When water lost its taste over the years,
When Righteous men too gave in to falsehood,
And worldly things turned bad for eyes and ears!

Sonnet: Heaven Is Worth The Struggle

The more the devil tempts, let me do good;
Let me tire the devil all my life;
Give me O Lord, Thy protective Gracehood;
Give me O God, Thy help in any strife.

Sonnet: What Death Is Great?

People who die a Martyr's death are great!
Some people die in wars, fighting their foes;
Some people die for no reason but fate!
Some die all life-time, suffering death-throes!

Sonnet: Brothers-At-War

The Sky is one for men all o'er the globe;
The Air we breathe is same for all Earthlings;
The Sun is one whatever be our robe;
The Moon is common for beggars and kings.

Sonnet-On My Gift Of Poesy

Into my Life, there came a ray of light,
Of Hope from God, in despair when I lay;
Not knowing what it meant, I clasped it tight
And wondered if God meant a newer way.

Sonnet- The World Today(6)

Are people sure of what they tend to do?
And why they do and how they do all things?
Their moral values are fast ebbing too,
They don’t care what evil effects it brings.

Sonnet-All Earthly Things Are Transient

However far, Science forges on ahead,
Whatever strides and giant leaps, Man makes;
All earthly things must become, one day dead,
A truth Men better learn for their own sakes.

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