Dr John Celes Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Sonnet: Knowledge

Deny thee Knowledge never in this world,
Which is something better than even gold;
He is a fool, who knowledge never gains,
Remaining so forever if he feigns.

Song Asking God’s Help

Help me God, O help me please;
Of urgent help, I’m in need;
Help me God, O help I plead;
You’re my only friend indeed.

New Year Resolutions

Give God the place that’s due to Him;
Spare time to read the Bible well;
Meditate upon the Word of God;
Live as per His expectations.

A Year After The Tsunamis...

The seas had plunged their monstrous hands
of ghastly death o’er peaceful shores,
and smothered lives of innocent men,
women and children by the scores:

Sonnet: The World Today(13)

While people find such lame excuses to,
Shirk responsibilities and duties;
Expecting others to perfectly do,
Yet, fail to turn up in death or disease!

Sonnet- September 11

Four giant ‘birds’ had fallen from the skies!
Not on their own but piloted by men;
All suicide-bombers of unknown ties,
To raze down skyscrapers that touched heaven!

Sonnet: Woes Too Come For Our Good

However high, you climb up life's ladder,
You can't be far away from earth's surface;
Neither have you gone to Heaven nearer,
Unless your soul's goodness is strong in base.

God’s Expectations

Does God ask you to blindly pray?
Does God want you to only toil?
Does God tell that you act senseless?
God expects you to be quite wise!

Sonnet: Jesus Is The Answer To All Strife!

Why break your head o’er problems you can’t solve?
Why feel depressed and sad when woes long-last?
There’s nothing that our Lord cannot resolve;
Just do your duty well and forget past!

Sonnet: My Strategy

The more and more troubles come to me, God,
The more and more, fervently will I pray;
And I’ll expose the devil’s utter fraud,
And never will I succumb to its way.

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