Dr John Celes Poems

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Free Will - God's Gift To Man

God doesn't decide for us to where we go!
He gave mankind the gift of the free will;
In life, there are many cross-roads, we meet;
At every point, we must take the road right.


Born was a child in a manger;
Born was the son of God, the Father;
Born was the love of the Maker;
Born was for men, a Redeemer.

Sonnet: Perfection Is Also Relative

Like how a diamond looks so perfect when
'Tis seen quite grossly but is not, too close,
A poem seems ideal and grand but then,
Its flaws unfold with scansion like one's nose!

Can Smiles Conceal What The Eyes Reveal?

The mind's most inner thoughts, one's eyes reveal;
The mirror of the mind cannot conceal;
A corrupt heart corrupts the mind as well;
And life can turn for everyone, a hell.

Within The World …

Within the world, there lies a world
Threatening harm, though all seems calm;
Within the world, there are some clans
That shun the good with evil plans.

Sonnet: Awesome Nature, Awesome God

The earth is clothed by beauteous creatures all,
In great varieties, gentle, weird, beloved;
And water lined by shrubs and trees, so tall -
A lovely treat to human eyes, well-proved.

Apathy- Earthly Life Seems Crazy

The one who has the mind has not the means;
The one who has the means has not the heart;
The one who has the heart knows not the art;
The one who has the art has not the time.

Sonnet: A Unique Human Being!

Uniquely born am I upon this earth!
Uniquely I perform the task God-giv'n;
Unique are problems for me since my birth;
Unique is road destined to walk and run.

Most Modern Youth

Most youngsters want to stand on their own legs;
They cannot accept what some adults say;
They wish to see the world through their own eyes;
They love to live a life of their own make.

Sonnet: On My Future

I do not change my future on my own;
God has been doing that for me till now;
Amidst my earthly problems, I’m alone;
Nevertheless, I’m safe: I don’t know how?

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