Dr John Celes Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Sonnet: Compassion

Compassion is one thing we all expect
In life on earth, from womb to tomb endless;
In giving it, we seldom are perfect;
We live our life that is not just selfless.

To Nurses On Valentine’s Day,2011

Each one is my dear valentine;
Each unforgettable;
Like sun and moon, you ever shine,
You are admirable!

Saul Turns Paul: The Road To Damascus

Blinded by a brilliant light,
On the road to Damascus,
Saul of Tarsus, on horse-back
Heard the voice of Jesus Christ:

Our Mother Dear

Most lovely mother, you had been,
Whose love, unfailing, world had seen;
And duty-bound wife to father;
How lucky, we were all, rather!

Jesus Tempted

“The Tempter tempts the Creator –
Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God.
The Lord was just a man like us
But lived a sin-free life on earth.”

Saying Good-Bye To Your Alma-Mater!

Your days in PMC are o’er for now!
Somehow the years had passed off peacefully;
The road ahead in life has joys and woes;
But still, your future lies in your own hands.

Cinquain: Worry

Shortens life-span,
And cuts the thread of life
Prematurely, abruptly,

To Whomsoever Concerned

I see your ‘waxen’ expressionless face;
I see your ‘marble ‘eyes but you know not;
I see your dirt behind your back though clean;
I see your white-collared criminality.

Sonnet: Never Give Up

Am I fighting against too many odds?
In all the world so vast, have I no friend?
Yet, death and problems come to commons/ lords;
I know this life on earth is not the end.

Sonnet: God Is The Best Judge

Which man can judge others accurately?
Is it a thing easy to judge others?
The human judge best though learned be, errs;
No one can judge his neighbor ev’r ably.

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