Dr John Celes Poems

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Sonnet: In Frustration

I want to break the sand castle I made;
I wish to bring the bird-nest down from tree;
I want to burn even the Everglade;
I wish to divorce now and become free.

A Tribute To Our Beloved Mom, ‘stella’

(On The Occasion of her Sad Demise …)

Our mom is not alive anymore, oh!
She’s gone to be with God forever, so;

Happy Birthday, Dear Sister!

The years have rolled by pretty fast;
No doubt, we had a glorious past;
A birthday comes just once a year;
Let’s wish those who are near and dear!

Roses, Roses

Roses, Roses blooming bright!
In earth’s gardens; ‘What a sight! ’
Studding plants in dawn’s dew, light;
And perfuming day and night!

This Is A World Of …

This is a world of hierarchy;
This is a world of inequality;
This is a world of curiosity;
This is a world of ignominy!


All that I know is there’s one God
Who made the Universe;
And made the stars, moon, sky and sun;
Earth for beings, human.

Stop Abortions

When you kill your own baby
In its natural home called ‘Womb’,
In a way most barbaric:
Aren’t you inviting your doom?

Sonnet: The Maker Alone Can Be The Taker

How can the God who loves to create, kill?
How can man commit murders foul on earth?
How can God forgive man’s heinous crime-bill?
The God of love chooses each life ’fore birth!

Sonnet: On Being Childless

They seem to smile and laugh just like others,
And speak with involvement like everyone;
But deep within their hearts, something bothers;
They don’t enjoy like most, the rain and sun!

Sonnet: Keep The Sabbath-Day Holy

'Remember Man, to keep Sabbath holy',
The Third commandment of God clearly says;
And if you can't, 'twill be your own folly;
Your life gets spent wholly in worldly ways.

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