Dr John Celes Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Sonnet: Children Of Today

The family norm is small and risks are high;
The busy parents pamper, pet and spoil;
The children never knowing truly why;
They fret and fume and burn the midnight-oil.

Little Flower Of Jesus Christ - ‘st. Therese Of Lisieux'

O little Flower of Jesus Christ!
How young and yet so wise, you turned!
And showed the world that heaven's first;
For love of Christ, your heart well burned!

With All My Heart, God, Let Me… (A Song)

With all my heart, God, let me praise you;
With all my heart, God, let me thank you;
With all my heart, God, let me serve you;
With all my heart, God, let me love you.

Zachaeus Upon The Sycamore Tree

Many of us have heard of Christ;
Some of us know Jesus so well;
Christ is always passing by nigh;
Should we not have a better glimpse?

Health And Wealth

When I had health, I strived to earn more wealth;
I toiled so hard that I soon lost my health!
When I got wealth, more vice crept in by stealth;
My wealth was gone, so also my good health!

Then Jesus told another parable:
‘Kingdom of Heaven- Wheat and the darnel'
Heaven can be compared to that of a man,
Who sowed only good seed in his whole field.

Sonnet: On Test-Tube Baby

When childless couples want a child of own,
And many years of married life has gone,
They can try having test-tube baby one -
A method successful, cheap and well-known!

Behold The Glory Of God's Creation

Behold the rocks atop the mountain stand,
And only fall when they should, when God wants!
Behold the waterfall, a beauteous sight,
That ne'er runs dry, despite the sun, failed rains!

Why To Commit Suicide?

Why are you in a hurry to…
Catch a bus?
Board a train?
Fly in a plane?

Ground Zero- Twin Towers, Usa, Tenth Anniversary 9/11/2011

Like a phoenix from the ash:
Twin towers from rubble
Should rise back to glory,
Despite attacks gory!

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