Dr John Celes Poems

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Give God The First Place…

Place God before all things in life;
Love God because He loves you more;
Ask God and walk on Heaven’s road;
Please God by keeping His commands.

Sonnet: God’s Our Strength And Refuge!

Now that I find myself in troubles wedged,
Not many souls help me to tide over;
The charges showered are untrue, alleged;
To Thee O God, I run to take cover.

Sonnet: Why God Gave Special Senses?

God gave me eyes to see his wondrous work
Of creation that none can ev’r surpass;
God gave me hands to do good things, not shirk,
And help the downtrodden and poorer class.

Sonnet: Failures Too Bring Success

Just like how ocean’s waves all fall and rise,
Again, again incessantly, forev’r!
When failures come, remain we must most wise,
And try again, again but quit never.

Bible In Poetry: Gospel Of St. John (Chapter 3)

Nicodemus, a Pharisee,
A ruler of the Jews, one night,
Came and said to Jesus, ‘Rabbi,
We know, You are a Teacher great,

Bible In Poetry: Gospel Of St. Matthew (Chapter 13)

Out of the house, then Jesus went
That day, and by the sea, sat down;
Large crowds had gathered around Him
So, sat He in a boat off-shore,

Bible Stories: Job (Chapter Xxx)

The younger ones hold me in scorn,
Whose fathers I didn’t treat like dogs;
To me, they were so weak and torn,
And destitute, greedy like hogs!

‘happy Father’s Day,2011’

One needs a father as much as a mum;
One needs in life, the love and care of both;
Both parents, children make family whole;
No one is less important than the next!

Life Is Too Precious To Lose

Our life on earth is most precious –
A gift of God to all earthlings;
A token of God’s love for us –
And man must live akin to kings!


Our house anew is built at last,
Despite the struggles of the past!
A happy family now resides,
With Almighty God us besides!

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