Dr.V.K. Kanniappan Poems

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A Person Who Has Done Virtues In The Youthful Period Itself!

A person who has done virtues in the youthful period itself
- without tightly holding any article or wealth he got
with an idea that this may be useful later in the old age -


O' the girl who has good manners!
What benefit can the olden moral books offer
for the dumb persons who cannot speak?

Large He-Goats Are Much Better Than The Ignorant Men!

No one will ever scold
and hate the sky above
since it is thundering!

The Esteemed Persons With Knowledge And Discipline!

Will not the large ocean flow to the adjacent salt pan?
Likewise, the esteemed persons with knowledge and discipline
Will go to alleviate the grief of those persons
- In spite of their inferior status - who came as a refuge,

There Is No Profit For Any One Without Principal Investment!

Can the people who had not done the greatest virtues
constantly without distruption in their previous birth
get enormous wealth in this birth? Is it possible?

The Young Plant Too Offers Fruits Continuously!

O' the girl who wears bangles made of purest gold!
Will there be any son give up doing charity
Thinking that, "O' my father attained extreme poverty
after donating alms to the poor and needy"? Never!

Thousands Of People Assemble To Serve A Wealthy Person!

As if lots of crows surround the body of a person
when he is dead due to loss of health and stamina,
Thousands of people assemble to serve a person
when he acquires a huge wealth in his possession!


O' the girl who wears reverberating bangles made of gold!
The sea swells with the oncoming cool rays of the moon;
But it will not swell with the oncoming hot rays of the sun!


The people who get bribe from all the people
without any discrimination and without a little bit of fear,
with the heart of not feeling guilty will get the money
as notes in lumps! O' thieves, Listen!

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