Dwayne Bailey Poems

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Tonights Dream

Tonight I dreamed a dream,
I was lost in a mighty gail;
My ship was torn to pieces,
I lost both my masts and sails

64 Ford Falcon

There she set in the car port,
rusted and faded with time.
Her tires bald and flat,
her engine well past its prime.

Your Love,

Your' love is as sweet as sunshine,
as warm as a fire aglow;
The peace that envelopes my heart,
is as gentle as a cool breeze blows.

Going Insane;

Sorrow pain, and guilt, over what I feel I've become;
Heartache which causes restless sleep, and tears that freely run.
How did I get where I am today, How did I let myself fall?
To the point I feel there is no hope, and the Lord I no longer call.


A murderous sin to kill it is;
unborn and all alone;
Oh the visions of splender,
together we could have known.

My Faith:

My faith is shaken to the very core, I feel weak and all alone;
I feel my prayers have all been in vain, I'm about to lose my home.
Has my God turned his back on me? I feel so sad and weak;
I've let my problems over welm me, I no longer my Lord seek.


Wandering through life day after day,
tossed like a ship in a mighty gail;
Trying to find a place to anchor,
So that I might finally cut sail.

Contentment In Today

I look into the mirror, and what do I see,
but an ever aging old man;
Hair turning gray, skin starting to sag,
with a shakey unstable hand.

Most Gracious Heavenly Father:

Most gracious heavenly Father,
Humbley I come to you in prayer;
Thanking you for another sweet day,
of life I get to share.

Happy Mothers Day My Love;

A mothers love is very special,
truly special indeed;
As you watch a mother tend to,
her chiuldren and their needs.

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