Dwayne Gordon Poems

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What's Wrong?

What do you do when you're in love
Do you go around making noise like a lost dove
It is blind, yet it is true
I can't go without saying to her I love you

I Want To See U

Que est-ce il pleut, et je suis tourmenté, oui je désire avoir le sexe que je suis ici seul, ma femme est allé et Charley obtient le jour Pluvieux vexé, la nuit solitaire je peux faire? Essayer
d'appeler ma femme juste pour entendre sa voix, je l'oreille, « je suis désolé, votre appel ne peut pas traverser » Ce genre de chose que je n'aime pas – je vous dis la vérité je suis inquiété à
l'enfer ce que pourrait arriver – il ne paraît pas mignon que Vous ne savez pas que vous avez jusqu'à ce qu'il est allé; c'est une chanson, mais vrai Tout vous obtenez êtes un texte Vous » Ce
genre d'aberrations de merde m'hors, je vous dis ceci pour de vrai Comme une balle transperçant ma poitrine, oui; cela est la douleur que je sens Couple de jours pour aller, ne peut pas attendre,

Home Coming

Open Your Eyes

If I should asked who you are
Would you tell me your name
Does your name say who you are
Or you are what your name say you are


I am America
You’re Iraq
I’m in a deficit
You have bombs in bag-packs

Missing You

Hey! I’m in love with a girl that blows my mind
Yes, she’s pure and true
Only 100 hours since she’s gone – true, I lost a screw
Being in love makes me tender, it makes me blue


Why do black people have to suffer?
Why do they go to their beds without supper?
These are some '? 's ' the President will not answer, and he cares not to.
Is it because of our Color, or what?

Dred I

Living your life lock behind a closed closet door is not the way things must go
Cause if you stumble, you will fall
If you scream, no one will hear.
Life today is not called for cat and mouse games

Let Go

There are many things in this world that we wont always receive an answer for
Like when your lover, (man / woman) decide to cheat on you behind your back
Regardless, life today is not about your friends, your partner or even partners
It is about you enjoying your life to the fullest potential there is


We been through struggles since the beginning of time
However, now is our time to shine
In the graves of great black men like
Dr. King, Marcus Garvey, Malcolm X, Bob Marley, Biggy Smalls, Tupac, and all the other men that had a change in history, its great to see that, one of us for sure this time will be running not only one state, but the entire country.

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