Dwight Jenkins Poems

Hit Title Date Added
I Almost Cried Today

I almost cried today, thinking of a friend I know
     Who will never know what I was thinking unless
I tell him. But it was so very long ago...
     And why? He wasn't at that address

A Request From Beyond

When I finally live 
Bury me in shrouds of flowers and sun
So that she who has found me runs not
From my clouds or my rain

They Don'T Get To Pick

We come yet again to Memorial Day
In the sweetest time of the year
A day set aside to remember the lost
And the cost of what all hold dear

Solomon's Glory

There are battles that I never want to fight again,
With some that I was never in;
And better ways todays begin
In memories washed of pain.

It Was Inevitable

And so it rained.
The wind blew.
The air turned cold.
The sky turned gray.

Don'T Wanna Work Today

I'm turning my blood into coffee
But there's not enough beans to be found
I go to the men's room to blow my old nose
And it bleeds Fair Trade Organic brown


I saw a ghost in the glass of a museum case
Where the earth had been stabbed one last time
By the point of a knife, on the point of a gun
Now washed of its blood and it's grime

On Politics

There's a thunderstorm coming
You can see it over there
You can feel the violence humming
From the hidden places where

It's Not What They'Re Supposed To Look Like

The city is alive with shades of blue and gray
In the distance of miles, many miles, that I am away
And how it will fade out I cannot say
But the morning will paint it anew.

External Links

At 3: 54 in the morning my eyes open.
It's time to wake. I've no place to go until 8: 00,  
But something inside me says 2 hours is needful
To sit in deep silence after the tubercular 

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