Edgar Albert Guest Poems

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Satisfied With Life

I have known the green trees and the skies overhead
And the blossoms of spring and the fragrance they shed;
I have known the blue sea, and the mountains afar
And the song of the pines and the light of a star;
And should I pass now, I could say with a smile
That my pilgrimage here has been well worth my while.

Looking Back

I might have been rich if I'd wanted the gold instead of the friendships
I've made.
I might have had fame if I'd sought for renown in the hours when I
purposely played.


Truth went forth on a search one day
I For the source of love that he might say
He had found its depth and its breadth for aye.

Toys And Life

You can learn a lot from boys
By the way they use their toys;
Some are selfish in their care,
Never very glad to share

Names And Faces

I do not ask a store of wealth,
Nor special gift of power;
I hope always for strength and health
To brave each troubled hour.

Figure It Out

Figure it out for yourself, my lad,
You're all that the greatest of men have had,
Two arms, two hands, two legs, two eyes,


Troubles? Sure I've lots of them,
Got 'em heaped up by the score,
Got 'em baled and bundled up,
Got 'em hid behind the door.

She Mothered Five

She mothered five!
Night after night she watched a little bed,
Night after night she cooled a fevered head,
Day after day she guarded little feet,

A Vanished Joy

When I was but a little lad of six and seven and eight,
One joy I knew that has been lost in customs up-to-date,
Then Saturday was baking day and Mother used to make,
The while I stood about and watched, the Sunday pies and cake;
And I was there to have fulfilled a small boy's fondest wish,
The glorious privilege of youth- to scrape the frosting dish!

Next Of Kin

I notice when the news comes in
Of one who's claimed eternal glory,
This simple phrase, 'the next of kin,'
Concludes the soldier's final story.

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