Edgar Albert Guest Poems

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God has been good to men. He gave
His Only Son their souls to save,
And then he made a second gift,
Which from their dreary lives should lift

A Woman's Love

There are times a woman's love
Fer a man stands out, I guess,
More ‘n usual, like as when
Sickness comes or else distress;

The Better Job

If I were running a factory
I'd stick up a sign for all to see,
I'd print it large and I'd nail it high
On every wall that the men walked by,

The Real Bait

To gentle ways I am inclined;
I have no wish to kill.
To creatures dumb I would be kind;
I like them all, but still

The Handy Man

The handy man about the house
Is old and bent and gray;
Each morning in the yard he toils,

The Cheat

I cheated a good friend yesterday,
Kept what was his, and went my way,
Wronged him by silence-for in haste
I let a glad thought go to waste.

The Happy Man

If you would know a happy man,
Go find the fellow who
Has had a bout with trouble grim
And just come smiling through.

A Preference

I''D rather be considered dull
Than use my brain denouncing things;
I'd rather not be critical

He Earned His Way

rose unto the bights of fame
And with the great men stood,
He heard the people cheer his name

The Influence Of Woman

WHAT would be the use of singing songs
If there was no little woman near to hear them?
What would be the use of righting wrongs
If a little woman didn't cease to fear them?

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