Edgar Albert Guest Poems

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The leaves are falling one by one,
The Summer days are past and gone,
The nights are cool and damp;
The little children think it strange

Learn To Smile

The good Lord understood us when He taught us how to smile;
He knew we couldn't stand it to be solemn all the while;
He knew He'd have to shape us so that when our hearts were gay,
We could let our neighbors know it in a quick and easy way.

The Reason For Work

Some struggle hard for worldly fame,
Some toil to have an honored name,
And some have great ambition.
A few there are who strive that they


I look into the faces of the people passing by,
The glad ones and the sad ones, and the lined with misery,
And I wonder why the sorrow or the twinkle in the eye;
But the pale and weary faces are the ones that trouble me.

From Laughter To Labor

We have wandered afar in our hunting for pleasure,
We have scorned the soul's duty to gather up treasure;
We have lived for our laughter and toiled for our winning
And paid little heed to the soul's simple sinning.

When It's Bad To Forget

DID you ever meet a brother as you hurried on your way
And invite him up to dinner, and his wife;
Did you ever keep him standing until he had named the day
When you'd meet to talk about your early life?

The Approach Of Christmas

There's a little chap at our house that is being mighty good-
Keeps the front lawn looking tidy in the way we've said he should;
Doesn't leave his little wagon, when he's finished with his play,
On the sidewalk as he used to; now he puts it right away.

Give Me A Single Day

GIVE me a single day, I ask no more
From dawn to dusk, ah, that is time enough
To reach the goal that I am striving for;
There is no need of further putting off

The Unknown Friends

We cannot count our friends, nor say
How many praise us day by day.
Each one of us has friends that he
Has yet to meet and really know,

At The Peace Table

Who shall sit at the table, then, when the terms
of peace are made-
The wisest men of the troubled lands in their
silver and gold brocade?

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