Edgar Albert Guest Poems

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The Lonely Garden

I WONDER what the trees will say,
The trees that used to share his play,
An' knew him as the little lad

Christmas, 1918

They give their all, this Christmastide, that peace on earth shall reign;
Upon the snows of Flanders now, brave blood has left its stain;
With ribbons red we deck our gifts; theirs bear the red of pain.

The Things They Mustn'T Touch

Been down to the art museum an' looked at a thousand things,
The bodies of ancient mummies an' the treasures of ancient kings,
An' some of the walls were lovely, but some of the things weren't much,
But all had a rail around 'em, an' all wore a sign 'Don't touch.'

The Homes Of Joy

I LIKE the homes where a Teddy Bear
Monopolizes the best arm chair,
Where the sofa a rag doll occupies
And a train of cars in the corner lies;
For those are the signs that the home is glad
With a little girl or a little lad.


I have no wealth of gold to give away,
But I can pledge to worthy causes these:
I'll give my strength, my days and hours of ease,

The Workman's Dream

To-day it's dirt and dust and steam,
To-morrow it will be the same,
And through it all the soul must dream

The Kindly Neighbor

I have a kindly neighbor, one who stands
Beside my gate and chats with me awhile,
Gives me the glory of his radiant smile

Unchangeable Mother

Mothers never change, I guess,
In their tender thoughtfulness.
Makes no difference that you grow

The Harder Part

It's mighty hard for Mother—I am busy through the day
And the tasks of every morning keep the gloomy thoughts away,
And I'm not forever meeting with a slipper or a gown

A Warm House And A Ruddy Fire

A warm house and a ruddy fire,
To what more can man aspire?
Eyes that shine with love aglow,

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