Edgar Albert Guest Poems

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The Mother On The Sidewalk

The mother on the sidewalk as the troops are marching by
Is the mother of Old Glory that is waving in the sky.
Men have fought to keep it splendid, men have died to keep it bright,

The Ready Artists

The green is in the meadow and the blue is in the sky,
And all of Nature's artists have their colors handy by;
With a few days bright with sunshine and a few nights free from frost

No Place To Go

The happiest nights
I ever know
Are those when I've
No place to go,

Mother's Day

Let every day be Mother's Day!
Make roses grow along her way
And beauty everywhere.

The Discovery Of A Soul

_The proof of a man is the danger test_,
_That shows him up at his worst or best_.

Our Little Needs

A LITTLE more of loving, a little less of pain,
A little more of sunshine, a little less of rain;
A little more of friendship, a little less of strife—
These are what we 're wanting to make the perfect life.


The leaves are falling one by one,
The Summer days are past and gone,
The nights are cool and damp;
The little children think it strange

Learn To Smile

The good Lord understood us when He taught us how to smile;
He knew we couldn't stand it to be solemn all the while;
He knew He'd have to shape us so that when our hearts were gay,
We could let our neighbors know it in a quick and easy way.

The Reason For Work

Some struggle hard for worldly fame,
Some toil to have an honored name,
And some have great ambition.
A few there are who strive that they


I look into the faces of the people passing by,
The glad ones and the sad ones, and the lined with misery,
And I wonder why the sorrow or the twinkle in the eye;
But the pale and weary faces are the ones that trouble me.

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