Edith Matilda Thomas Poems

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Thefts Of The Morning

Bund us the Morning, mother of the stars
And of the winds that usher in the day!
Ere her light fingers slide the eastern bars,
A netted snare before her footsteps lay;

The Dragons of the Air

There is a circle of malignant hell
Not given to the Florentine to know.
It is not hidden in the earth below,
But far aloft its fateful legions dwell.

The Witch's Child

'Tis Elfinell- a witch's child,
From holy minster banned....
Again the old glad bell rings out
Through all the Christmas land.

Black Flag!

Run up your Black Flag,
Skull and crossbones display!
Why should you palter—why should you lag?—
For never was freebooting crew,

Ride, Vigilantes!

Ride through the land, Vigilantes, ride!
From this bound of the East where the inrolling tide
With more than the red of the sunrise is dyed,
As crimson the foam is borne to our strand!

The War Of Bread

Of all the wars that waste this world,
Where the life of man has bled,
This is the war I most abhor—
The theft of the people's bread!

The Young of Spring

There are so many, many young!
So many, in thy world, O Spring,
And scarcely yet they find a tongue,

The Burden of Age

There is a dancing in the morning beams,
There is a rainbow sown amid the dew,
There is a glint of gold shot through the sands,

Tip's Kitten

The master- he loved my kitten, my kitten;
She was still too weak to stand,
When he placed her upon one hand,


As I came through the Valley Sleep
(Upon each side a frowning steep),
A dream my weighted steps o'ertook:
'I am the Fear thou wouldst not brook

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