Edith Nesbit Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Summer Song

THERE are white moon daisies in the mist of the meadow
Where the flowered grass scatters its seeds like spray,

Mummy Wheat

LAID close to Death, these many thousand years,
In this small seed Life hid herself and smiled;
So well she hid, Death was at least beguiled,

Before Winter

The wind is crying in the night,
Like a lost child;
The waves break wonderful and white
And wild.

The Champion

Young and a conqueror, once on a day,
Wild white Winter rode out this way;
With his sword of ice and his banner of snow

In Sanctuary

THE young Spring air was strong like wine,
The sky reflected in your eyes
Was of a blue as deep-divine
As ever glowed in southern skies.


So silent is the world to-night
The lamp gives silence out like light,
The latticed windows open wide
Show silence, like the night, outside:

The Beatific Vision

OH God! if I do my duty
And walk in the thorny way,
Will you pay me with heavens of beauty,
Millions of lives away?

Teint Neutre

WIDE downs all gray, with gray of clouds roofed over,
Chill fields stripped naked of their gown of grain,

La Derniere Robe De Soi

OH, silken gown, all pink and pretty,
Bought, quite a bargain, in the City,
Your ill-trained soul full false has played me--

New Year Song

WE climb the hill; the mist conceals
That valley where we could not stay;
Surely this hill's crest, gained, reveals

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