Edith Nesbit Poems

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The Lower Room

How soft the lamplight falls
On pictures, books,
And pleasant coloured walls
And curtains drawn!

The Magic Flower

THROUGH many days and many days
The seed of love lay hidden close;
We walked the dusty tiresome ways
Where never a leaf or blossom grows.

The Past

MAKE strong your door with bolt and bar,
Make every window fast;
Strong brass and iron as they are,
They are so easy passed--

The Point Of View: I


There was never winter, summer only: roses,
Pink and white and red,

The Beech Tree

MY beautiful beech, your smooth grey coat is trimmed
With letters. Once, each stood for all things dear
To foolish lovers, dead this many a year,

The Daisies

In the great green park with the wooden palings -
The wooden palings so hard to climb,
There are fern and foxglove, primrose and violet,

The Day Of Judgment

When the bearing and doing are over,
And no more is to do or bear,
God will see us and judge us

The Claim

OH! I admit I'm dull and poor,
And plain and gloomy, as you tell me;
And dozens flock around your door
Who in all points but one excel me.

The Depths Of The Sea

IN deep vague spaces of the lonely sea
She deemed her soulless life was almost fair,
Yet ever dreamed that in the upper air

The Destroyer

ACROSS the quiet pastures of my soul
The invading army marched in splendid might
My few poor forces fled beyond control,

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