Edward Kofi Louis Poems

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J. K. L.2

Justice and Rights to all mankind without racism! !

Keeping up with the works of the truth on earth,

Bath Me With Your Sweet Love

You're the Handsome man that i've ever met!
You're the one for my heart,
You're the Doctor of my love! !
Because, your love doesn't hold water.

Every Single Step That I Take

Every line of life! !

Every single step that i take;

Help The Woman

Help the woman,
Help the woman to carry the load;
Help the old lady! !
She's alone and she needs help;

A. B. R. A. H. A. M.

Ability! ! With your works;
Bringing joy to the hearts of the people,
Respecting all mankind without racism,
Aims of love and life!

Chosen And Faithful 3

Chosen and faithful!
Only with the truth,
Only with righteous morals,

R. A. V. I. N. D. E. R.2

Rains of life! !
Able to water the Earth;
Views of peace and love!
Insight and wisdom along the line,

In Harmony

My love to you is like the Clay in the Poter's hand;
However, my love is beyond the rivers of Ethiopia.

"SMS Harnich",

C. A. R.T. E.R.

Comfort my heart with the truth,
Able to share with me,
Rolling along the lines of life,
Tender love and care! !

Marie 4

Merry, marry!

Ambitions and abilities;

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