Elizabeth Haasch Poems

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Meaningless Tragedy

This sweet sorrow
this meaning of tragedy.

Again I question.

Boat With No Oars

So here I am on a boat with no oars.
As far away from land as the sky is to the sea.
Yet close enough.
Looking at the land as if it were so close.

Some Sort Of Perfection

So here I am dreaming, wishing for the day you’ll come back.
When life will seem some kind of normal for me again.
Some kind of decent perfection of your radiance
I’ve seen fly through the clouds in which we soar.


so here i am calling out to you
because i see you notice me
under this pale blue sky
wishing the clouds would open


So here i am laying in bed again.
wishing for night to fall.
day to stop.
time to. end.

Wanting You

So as I am sitting here screaming out in pain.
Walking on egg shells.
Walking on broken glass
wondering how to tell you


Why I sit here in the dark.
Why I do the things I do.
Why is a question that keeps running through my head.
The tears flowing free like a stream of welled up thoughts of us.

An Antonym We Are

There I begin to write in the pages of my journal
trying to explain to you
in the simplicity of this complexity.
An antonym in and of itself

This Unfinished Novel

So here I go again
wanting to say goodbye
wanting to let go
wanting to hear from you

Words I Cannot Say

you are the secret I want to keep.
The song I yearn to write.
The words I want to spell, write, speak with clarity.
You are the keys made with ivory.

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