Ella Wheeler Wilcox Poems

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So Long In Coming

When shall I hear the thrushes sing,
And see their graceful, round throats swelling?
When shall I watch the bluebirds bring
The straws and twiglets for their dwelling?

In The Night

In the silent midnight watches,
When the earth was clothed in gloom,
And the grim and awful darkness


At morn the wise man walked abroad,
Proud with the learning of great fools.
He laughed and said, ‘There is no God –
‘Tis force creates, ‘tis reason rules.’

One Of Us Two

The day will dawn when one of us shall hearken
In vain to hear a voice that has grown dumb.
And morns will fade, noons pale, and shadows darken,
While sad eyes watch for feet that never come.

Wishing -- Or Fate And I

Wise men tell me thou, O Fate,
Art invincible and great.
Well, I own thy prowess; still
Dare I flount thee, with my will.

Come Back Clean

This is the song for a soldier
To sing as he rides from home
To the fields afar where the battles are

Blind Sorrow

One bitter time of mourning, I remember,
When day, and night, my sad heart did complain,
My life, I said, was one cold, bleak December,

Song Of America

And now, when poets are singing
Their songs of olden days,
And now, when the land is ringing
With sweet Centennial lays,


These quiet Autumn days,
My soul, like Noah's dove, on airy wings
Goes out and searches for the hidden things
Beyond the hills of haze.

The Wish

Should some great angel say to me to-morrow,
“Thou must re-tread thy pathway from the start,
But God will grant, in pity, for thy sorrow,
Some one dear wish, the nearest to thy heart.’

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