Eva Clara Harahap Poems

Hit Title Date Added
I Will Wait...

I taste a coffee never brewed
I swallow all bitterness alone
My tears are like morning dews
Slowly they cherish my weary night

Forgive Me - A Small Prayer Under A Dim Light Of Alcyone

Under the dim light of Alcyone, I sent all my prayers…
For it is the star that ward off all Evil…
And bring about wisdom, to every corner of desperation...
Forgive me to call you here, Alcyone…

No One Will Understand.........

No one will understand...
Your skin is crystal clear...
Mine is a teak wood...
But we both love purple diamonds..

Lost In Time.....

There was a time..
Long time ago...
Where every Sunrise only bring a bright full day...
As it touch the softness of your skin...

If I Win One Day.....

If I win one day...
I will be dancing to the wind...
Smiling the whole day...
Shaking hands endlessly with the crowd...

Only If There Is No If.....

Only if there is no if...
I will jump so high, up to the cliff..
I will stop wondering for every if...
And I will be living in such a relief...

I Wish You Could Feel....

I wish you could feel....
I bring myself as I am to heal...
I wish you can see...
Doubt can be as wide as the sea....

If I Win One Day....

If I win one day...
I will be dancing to the wind...
Smiling the whole day...
Shaking hands endlessly with the crowd...

I Am Waiting For That Day...

The Wheel is finally turning..
Sadly it brought no fortune...
it keeps on spinning...
No where, no destination, just turning around...

The Arrogant Youth....

As you drawn yourself into a mirror..
Where all is still last...
The Arrogant Youth....
Are coming from the full of mouth...

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