Faith Wood Poems

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Plainly conceived
It was of my own vice
That out came your dazzling side.
Almost mechanical

I'Ll Meet You In Congress

The music led me to the bed
It undid my dress
Instructed by the lyrics,
It followed the curves in a caress

The Distiction Of Soldiers

(this was a poem written for an IB World Literature paper based on the book All Quiet on the Western Front. Some lines are taken directly from the book. these are in quotes and are worked into the poem accordingly.)

The enemy lines are blurring from this view
'Here in the trenches they are completely lost to us, '


I keep my mouth shut
for fear of where it takes me,
I'm a listless breeze out to sea
Bottle me up and store me away


This house isn't a home,
it's a minefield
One false move and we'll all explode
A thousand pieces of confetti dancing through the air


I took a solemn oath,
made a pact, made a plan,
said I'd never turn the other cheek.
Never leave you in the thorns,

Everything I Say Is A Weapon Against Me

Feels like a thousand years ago
when we made our plans,
not carved into stone,
but etched in the grass

Push And Pull

Call me a shell,
but sweetie, I'm not empty
Everyone here is a locked door
and I'm just opening.

What Keeps Me (In) Sane

Engrossed in my thoughts
I'm alone in my head
It's the only place I feel sane

Happy Mother's Day

You are the linens atop my bed,
my laundry that has yet to be put away
A reminder that my cat has yet to be fed
and all the words I couldn't say

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