Forrest Hainline Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Psalm 130 - Cinquain

Out of
The depths I call
Heed my supplication
Hear my voice and redeem me from

Early Winter

Snow against my face
Stale, picked up, thrown against my face
My face bitten red
There is no shelter for the trees are dead

Psalm 131 - Cinquain

O Lord
I am not proud
I am still and quiet
Like a child upon its mother's

Psalm 132 - Cinquain

Go to
God's dwelling place
Let us fall on our knees
And let God's faithful people sing


Geoffrey Chaucer, The Friar's Prologue (A Minimalist Translation)

This worthy limiter, this noble Friar
He made always a manner lowering chiere

An Hegelian Cinquain

Some folks
Ain't happy but
They puttin others down
Step on my head if I can stomp

Psalm 133 - Cinquain

How good
And pleasant when
Brothers live together
In unity - like fine oil or

Psalm 135 - Cinquain

Praise the
Name of the Lord
For the Lord gives justice
And shows compassion to all his

Psalm 136 - Cinquain

To the
God of heaven
Give thanks for he is good
And his mercy will endure for

Psalm 137 - Cinquain

We wept
Sat down and wept
By Babylon's waters
How can we sing the Lord's song on

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