Francis Duggan Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Is Their Business

Though you never harm anyone in any sort of a way
Why does it affect you what others of you does say
They do not buy you food or your rent or home mortgage does not pay
Sadly their sort are not rare in the Human World of today

Wish I Had A Million

Wish I had a million or far better two
For a few doing it tough some good I could do
But lots of money in life perhaps not my due
And wishing it seldom does make things come true

Where The Strongest Does Rule

Not a good Human World for many to live in where the strongest does rule
For many people with power over others in their ways can be cruel
The people who use their power in a fair and compassionate way
Are quite a rare breed in the World of today


Birds one does see often in southern gardens sometimes every day
New Holland honeyeatersin black and gold and gray
Of pale eyes with dark iris and dark beard of feath Hollanders under chin
And for sucking nectar from the flowers dark bill long curved and thin

Everywhere Around Me

The beauty of Nature is around me today
A beauty to view for that I do not have to pay
The nesting birds chirp and sing on bushes and trees
And the freshness of Spring is in the coastal breeze

Praise May Be Your Due

Praise may be your due since of late you have done well
But the side affects of this is your ego does swell
And since it makes you feel superior to the humble kind
A swollen ego is not good for the mind

In September In Port Fairy

When the wild birds of Nature chirp, whistle and sing
Port Fairy a beautiful place in the Spring
In September a lovely time of the year
With the warmth of Summer with each day drawing near

Better Times Of You

You do not have any success stories of life to tell
And you have not been doing financially well
But since hope in your mind it is far from dead
Far better times of you may well be ahead

On White Plumed Honeyeaters

Quite attractive birds of yellow, brown and gray
And white plumes on either side of face them I do not see every day
But in rural parks and gardens sometimes them one does see
And from once seen and heard they remain in memory

Is How It Is

In a Human World where millions for success compete
There are winners and losers on every street
And though losing is something anyone does not choose
For one for to win others do have to lose

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