Francis Duggan Poems

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Live And Let Live Is Such A Beautiful Phrase

Live and let live is such a beautiful phrase
On such a life philosophy one can only heap praise
If everyone practiced it how much better off humanity would be
It would be a much better World for all to live in would you not agree

The First People Of Australia

The first people of Australia their ancestry old in time
And they are the inspiration of story, song and rhyme
It is said their ancestors lived in Australia for sixty thousand years
Till the arrival of the northern races brought to them grief and tears

By The Southern Town

My worth as a rhymer i often does doubt
But never any shortage of things for to write rhymes about
The magpies are warbling on this sunny Winter's day
And in the blue sky just a few clouds of gray

On The Town's Poorer Side

So many Homeless and Stateless people in the Human World of today
And the gap between the wealthy and poor keeps on widening which seems sad to say
Few wish to know of those financially down
And so many sleeping out of doors in the poor side of the town

The Power To Do Good

Power over others is something one does not need
But you can make the World better for to live in by your words and your every good deed
And if you are willing to help anyone in need of helping and never drag anyone down
Then you are an asset to your side of the town

The Aubane River

In the valley in view of Mushera above Millstreet Town
The old Aubane River in flood waters of brown
From waters of the high ground in streamlet and drain
Flowing with a loud babble swollen by recent thunder rain

Barnaby Joyce

Australia's Minister for Agriculture Barnaby Joyce
Has got a big head and a rather loud voice
And a ruddy round face like one who does constantly blush
To the media he talks rather quickly his words in a rush

You May Well Win Some

In long gone years a football great of the town
A stand with his name on it in the oval for to honor his renown
Six decades age he kicked the winning goal on Grand Final day
Just before the siren to a loud hooray

It Is Only In Fancy I See Clara Hill

It is only in fancy i see Clara Hill
And hear the babble of the silver tongued rill
Flowing through Claraghatlea from high Claramore
At the start of it's journey to the Atlantic shore

Perhaps Never More

Well into my sixties and financially down
Perhaps i will never more see Millstreet Town
Where i was known to many three decades ago
This is going back to before time became my foe

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