Francis Duggan Poems

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There Are Good And Bad People

The non racist people are color blind
The good and the bad in all races you will find
Since they do believe on a fair go for all
The fair minded people in their thinking never small

Old Tony In His Late Seventies

Old Tony in his late seventies he laughs every day
He is one of the few who laughs his cares away
He does not have children or he never had a wife
But he is one who does live quite a happy life

I Am One Of Those Who With Words Like To Play

I am one of those who with words like to play
A rhymer as such i write rhymes every day
Without fame or the rewards of monetary pay
But what i love doing i could not give away

A Man's World

It is and will always be a man's World after all
Men have so much to talk of war and football
And their wives and their lovers and women they have been with in bed
On such stuff the male egos always are fed

They Use The Mentally Ill

For to commit their worse than horrible crimes they use the mentally ill
Who carry concealed bombs and take their own lives others to maim and kill
Last week it was Brussels in Belgium yesterday Lahore in Pakistan
By the murderous I S I S and equally bad Taliban

For Too Long Of Terrorists

For too long of terrorists people have lived in fear
An end to terrorism in the World has to be near
The terrorists masterminds to do their killing for them of volunteers will run out
That terrorism too will come to an end there can be little doubt

Only Memories Of What Was With Me

Only memories of what was with me does remain
And perhaps i will never see Clara again
Or stand on it's slopes on an evening in July
Above me the lark singing in the gray sky

In Every Big Town

In every big town there is a Poverty Street
Where only the poorest you can hope to meet
Homeless teenagers of broken homes who were born to lose
Who have turned to crime for to buy drugs and booze

Whatever You Achieve In Life

Whatever you achieve in life there will come the day
That the Reaper of lives will come reaping your way
The Reaper who does not respect money or fame
The one who treats every life as equal and the same

Manchester George

Some sixty years of time has passed since George was seventeen
With a few drinks in at the local pub he sings 'God save The Queen'
Though he left Manchester forevermore fifty six years ago
And in Victoria far south of there time has become his foe

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