Francis Duggan Poems

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I Have My Opinions But Pay No Heed To Me

I have my opinions but pay no heed to me
For I am as powerless as powerless can be
Though things would be different if I had my way
No nuclear weapons or stealth bombers in the World of today.

To Be Born And Raised In Claraghatlea

To be born and raised in Claraghatlea my only claim to fame
Though few back there now would remember my name
For I left that old Townland more than two decades ago
When the old hill of Clara wore his hat of snow

On Hearing A Common Bronzewing

The humming coo of the common bronzewing I hear in the woodland nearby
Somewhere in the undergrowth hidden of human kind they seem quite shy
Yet his low humming coo unmistakeable to his whereabouts a give away
They are birds that I do hear often though I don't see them every day

What Care I How Some Feel About Me

What care I how some feel about me what care I of me what they say
As long as their words are not lies or defamatory their ideas of me to me seem okay
I accept praise and criticism though praise better than criticism any day
I'm not a knowledgeable or a wise person though time has left me looking gray.

They Are War Damaged People

They are war damaged people the poor people of Iraq
By night and day they live in fear of terrorist attack
Terrorism that war has brought to their Country that could go on for years
Division drawn by tribal Warlords in Land of blood and tears

If Lady Luck She Is Not With You

If Lady Luck she is not with you 'tis hard for you to be happy 'twould seem
For she is one that you do need with you for your self worth and self esteem
She is the Goddess of mixed emotions the Goddess of joy and of tears
She can change your life in a moment and bring on your happier years

Not Everyone Is Born To Life To Become A Millionaire

Not everyone is born to life to become a millionaire
If that were so there would be no poverty in the bigger World out there
No Stateless or Homeless people living rough on the street
And everyone would have enough more than enough to eat.

Some Of Our Life

Some of our life spent working and some of our life we spend in bed
And some of our life socializing and the body too has to be fed
And like all life forms we do not live forever we are born one day for to die
The same for the sheep, goat and donkey as it is for you and for I.

A Beautiful To Look At Woman

A beautiful to look at woman with blond hair and pretty blue eyes
That many young males are attracted to her does not at all seem a surprise
But male admirers swell the female ego of her beauty she is aware
She is a very vain young woman though people like her are not rare.

I'Ve Never Said I Was A Poet

I've never said I was a poet though I've written a whole heap of stuff
I am just an old fashioned rhymer my rhymes at the best of times rough
I suffer a penning addiction my penance for my Earthly Hell
Until The Reaper claims the life from me I will be penning doggerel

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