Francis Duggan Poems

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For Many Years

For many years I have loved Mother Nature she is the one who so amazes me
She is the one who feeds all living life forms the Goddess of the Land and of the Sea
The mystery of her presence all around me her beauty in every flowering bush and tree
She outlives all of her life forms and her Seasons she is not destined for mortality.

So You Tell Me

So you tell me that your life has no meaning though you are doing well in a financial way
You feel the light in your soul is growing dimmer pity poor you is all that I can say
Financially well off but mentally unhappy that indeed does seem a sad thing to hear
Wealthy in one way and poor in another that's how it does seem or it does appear

Don'T Tell Me

Don't tell me how I ought to live since one day I must die
When you say that all God fearing kind are good such talk based on a lie
That all God fearing kind are good to all does not apply
The few Atheists that I do know they would not harm a fly.

A Fair Go For All People

A fair go for all people to such I can relate
Whatever be their culture their race, beliefs or faith
Down with rank and class distinction and here's to the fair go
In an egalatarian society peace and harmony would grow

Goodbye To You Dear Megan Gale

Goodbye to you dear Megan Gale you have got your fortune made
For being Queen of the Catwalk you have been more than well paid
You retire in your life's prime you won't die in poverty
Still young and very beautiful and set up for life financially,

The Townland I Was Raised In

The Townland I was raised in is far inland from the sea
And everyone in Claraghatlea I knew and they knew me
But the wander bug was in me for places far away
And I left home when the old fields with December frost were gray.

No Southern Right Whales

No southern right whales at Warrnambool last year
Due to oil exploration near Logan's Beach we hear
For to give birth the females went elsewhere
At Logan's Beach for them too noisy there.

If I Had Plenty Money

If i had plenty money i'd enjoy life says Lew
I'd go down to the T.A.B. and have big punt or two
I'd not drive trucks for Selby i'd give the job away
I'd read The Sun and Sporting Globe and sit at home all day.

The Miracles Of Nature

I've never been a military type of person
And fought in wars like the Gulf and Vietnam
But despite that i too have see some action
I've seen two grown men brawl at Pakenham.

The Voices Come To Me

The voices come to me from long ago
Of Nature's children that i used to know
I hear them sing on hedge and tree and bush
The robin and the blackbird and the thrush.

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