Francis Duggan Poems

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Bilbo And Jane

Not bad for an old bloke he is seventy nine
To get him drunk it would take far more than a liter of wine
Bilbo he surely is one tough old bloke
If everyone were like him the doctors would be unemployed and broke

Not Everyone To You

Like many i am one who is not without foes
This is part of being human one does have to suppose
Not everyone of me has nice things for to say
You win some and lose some life works in this way

Good Memories Of St Arnaud

Though perhaps i will never visit there again
Fond memories of St Arnaud in me will remain
A big rural former mining Town that does seem so old in time
The type that does inspire the makers of song, story and rhyme

Home With Their Trophy

The citizen band plays the local footballers the main street up and down
Home with their trophy to the old country town
For the team members many a rapturous hooray
This will live in them as a memorable day

There Is Always A Price

In her younger years she was the pride of the town
With eyes blue as a ripe sloe and shoulder length wavy hair of brown
She had marriage proposals from Luke, John, Andy and Ted
But she turned them down and today remains as unwed

Ararat's Matt

A sturdy well built hard working fellow Matt
From Victoria's rural City of Ararat
At twenty seven in his physical prime
He has not been back home for quite some time

Hares One Can Only Admire

To escape from predators such as foxes they use their dodging skills and speed
Hares they are Nature's survivors indeed
As species of lagomorphs the term of rare to them does apply
Unlike their cousin rabbits they are slow to multiply

Book Of Life

We never stop learning as the wise one does say
From the book of life we do learn every day
We learn as we live until the day we do die
A fact of our existence and fact never lie

A Tough Question To Ponder

What's life about at all one must wonder why
A tough question to ponder none ought to deny
No matter how materially wealthy and famous you are you eventually must die
The same for the celebrity as for you and i

One Can Only Admire Those

One can only admire those who do not envy others for their material gain
And of their own lot in life never do complain
Though they have their worries as most do of their own
For to grumble about them they are not known

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